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. 2011 Jul 27;36(12):2452–2459. doi: 10.1038/npp.2011.132

Table 1. Studies Included in the Meta-Analysis.

Study N Cytokine(s) assessed Antidepressant class Rating scale/baseline severity/percent reduction Assay type/manufacturer
Basterzi et al (2005) 23 IL-6 SSRI HDRS/21/49% ELISA/CytImmune Sciences
Chen et al (2010) 43 TNF, IL-6 Misc. HDRS/31/47% ELISA/Diaclone (now Gen-Probe)
Eller et al (2008) 100 TNF SSRI MADRS/29/68% Chemiluminescence/Immulite
Frommberger et al (1997) 10 IL-6 TCA MADRS/34/65% Bioassay
Fornaro et al (2011) 16 IL-6 SNRI HDRS/21/56% ELISA/Bender MedSystems
Hernandez et al (2008) 31 IL-1 SSRI HDRS/20/50% ELISA/DuoSet (R&D Systems)
Himmerich et al (2006) 67 TNF Misc. HDRS/27/66% ELISA/BioSource
Hinze-Selch et al (2000) 22 TNF SSRI or TCA ND ELISA/Medgenix
Jazayeri et al (2010) 14 IL-6, IL-1 SSRI HDRS/29/64% ELISA/Bender MedSystems
Kagaya et al (2001) 12 TNF, IL-6, IL-1 TCA HDRS/23/49% ELISA/BioSource
Kraus et al (2002) 20 TNF SNRI ND ELISA/Medgenix
Kubera et al (2000) 9 IL-6 ND HDRS/22/76% ELISA/Eurogenetics
Leo et al (2006) 20 TNF, IL-6, IL-1 SSRI HDRS/24/39% ELISA/Quantikine (R&D Systems)
Maes et al (1995) 17 IL-6 SSRI or TCA HDRS/24/40% ELISA/Eurogenetics
Maes et al (1997) 25 IL-6 Misc. HDRS/25/47% ELISA/Eurogenetics
Mikova et al (2001) 23 TNF, IL-6 SSRI and TCA HDRS/>18/ND 9 resp, 5 non resp ELISA/Eurogenetics
Piletz et al (2009) 12 TNF, IL-1 SNRI HDRS/26/58% ELISA/Quantikine
Sluzewska et al (1995) 9 IL-6 SSRI HDRS/23/ND ELISA/ND
Song et al (2009) 30 TNF, IL-1 SSRI HDRS/22/50% ELISA/GeneMay
Sutcigil et al (2007) 23 TNF SSRI HDRS/∼26/∼50% ELISA/Bender MedSystems
Tuglu et al (2003) 26 TNF SSRI HDRS/27/67% Chemiluminescence/Immulite
Yoshimura et al (2009) 51 TNF, IL-6 SSRI and SNRI HDRS/22/68% ELISA/Quantikine

Abbreviations: ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; HDRS, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; IL-1, interleukin-1; IL-6, interleukin-6; MADRS, Montgomery-sberg Depression Rating Scale; ND, no data; SNRI, serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; SSRI, serotonin reuptake inhibitor; TCA, tricyclic antidepressant.

List of studies included in this meta-analysis. The table shows the number of subjects in each study, the cytokines measured, the antidepressant treatment used (by class), the depression severity measure, the baseline depression severity score, the percent decrease in depression severity, the type of cytokine assay used, and the manufacturer of the assay.