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. 2011 Oct 14;6(10):e26275. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0026275

Table 2. Results of nested ANOVA for 18 traits of Ulex europaeus plants grown in a common garden.

Populations Regions
N Mean±SDa d.f. F d.f. F
Plant height
June 2007 (cm) 265 42.7±13.5 8 2.29* 3 10.97**
October 2008 (cm) 120 126.0±30.3 8 1.05 3 6.44*
October 2009 (cm) 107 180.9±34.4 8 1.03 3 4.92*
Vegetative growth
Shoot number 2007 265 4.12±3.21 8 2.56* 3 0.57
Total shoot length 2007 (cm) 265 100.1±52.2 8 3.03** 3 0.54
Basal area 2008 (m2) 120 1.01±0.46 8 0.55 3 10.07**
Shoot length 2009 (cm) 112 60.7±13.6 8 2.18* 3 2.67
Reproductive phenology b
Flowering onset (days) 106 173.8±55.3 8 4.93**** 3 1.38
Flowering duration (days) 106 90.8±52.0 8 3.68*** 3 1.34
Fruiting onset (days) 106 268.2±44.4 8 4.78**** 3 0.59
Fruiting duration (days) 105 36.8±44.2 8 4.68**** 3 0.68
Reproductive output c
Pod density (cm-1) 106 2.31±1.45 8 2.80** 3 1.77
Seeds per pod 103 3.12±0.82 8 1.74# 3 0.33
Seed mass (mg) 105 6.48±0.89 8 1.97# 3 1.24
Pod infestation rates d
Weevils (%) 103 21.6±23.4 8 4.48**** 3 0.55
Moths (%) 103 2.53±3.67 8 0.99 3 3.67#
Total (%) 103 25.3±25.7 8 4.54**** 3 0.69
Hymenoptera (%) 103 4.17±7.72 8 2.62* 3 0.92

Standard deviation of the whole sample.


Monitored in 2008–2009, with Sept 1st 2008 taken as the first day of the reproductive season.


Pod density was measured in May 2009; seeds per pod and seed mass were measured in late June 2009.


Measured in late June 2009.


P<0.10, * P<0.05, ** P<0.01, *** P<0.001, **** P<0.0001.