Fig. 2.
(Left) Representative time-kill curves with various clinically relevant concentrations of colistin (Col) and imipenem (Imi) alone and in combination at an inoculum of ∼106 CFU/ml. (Right) PAPs at baseline (0 h) and after 48 h of exposure to colistin monotherapy, colistin-imipenem combination therapy, or neither antibiotic (control). (A) 19147 n/m (colistin resistant, imipenem susceptible, MDR); (B) 20509 n/m (susceptible to colistin and imipenem, non-MDR); (C) 20891 n/m (colistin susceptible, imipenem resistant, MDR). The y axis starts from the limit of detection, and the LOQ is indicated by the dashed horizontal line.