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. 2011 Jul 26;2011:487025. doi: 10.1155/2011/487025

(a) The influence of clinical subgroup, age, gender, comorbidity, and work status on total health care costs (sum of cost groups 1 to 3 for rehabilitation period and 6 months after) for patients with inflammatory disease. The results are presented as Unstandardised Coefficients (β) with 95% Confidence intervals

Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Clinical subgroup      

Inflammatory disease rehab center Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref.

Inflammatory disease inpatient hospital unit 13,412 (8,744 to 18,080)** 12,952 (8,299 to 17,605)** 12,935 (8,173 to 17697)** 13,721 (8,806 to 18,635)**

Inflammatory disease outpatient hospital unit −2,595 (−9,388 to 4,196) −2,406 (−5,875 to 3,727) −2,560 (−9,514 to 4,395) −73 (−7,089 to 6,940)

Gender (ref. female) Male −2,968 (−8,055 to 2,118) −3,272 (−8,371 to 1,826) −3,555 (−8,744 to 1,633)* −4,025 (−9,402 to 1,352)

Age (ref. 67 or less) 68+ 1,682 (−4,712 to 8,077) 1,843 (−4,583 to 8,271) 4,430 (−1,762 to 10,624) 4,045 (−2,379 to 10,469)

Comorbidity (ref. none)
 One 3,170 (−2,373 to 8,714) 3,291 (−2,282 to 8,864) 3,795 (−1,849 to 9,439) 4,851 (−1,002 to 10,632)
 Two or more 2,939 (−2,830 to 8,708) 2,274 (−3,457 to 8,005) 2,885 (−3,003 to 8,775) 3,346 (−2,759 to 9,452)

Working status (ref. employed) Not employed 1,732 (−3,288 to 6,753) 1,716 (−3,333 to 6,765) 448 (−4,589 to 5,485) 402 (−4,827 to 5,632)

MHAQ −5,179 (−12,174 to 1,815) 1,151 (−4,092 to 6,396) 4,122 (−921 to 9,166)*

SF Physical function −172 (−301 to −42)** −106 (−202 to −11)*

SF Mental function −1 (−21to 19) 41 (−21 to 19)

Assistive tools 1,447 (414 to 2,540)** 1,315 (268 to 2,361)* 1,619 (542 to 2,695)**

Constant 16,367 (4,568 to 28,168)** 10,292 (10763 to 18,819)** 3,367 (−3,134 to 9,869) 2,178 (−4,522 to 8,878)

Adj R-squared 0.3593 0.3518 0.3276 0.2750

Cost values (in Euro) are estimated means by OLS. All costs are presented in Euros: 1 = 8 NOK.

*P-value <  .05, **P-value <  .01.

The difference between the three models is only the inclusion of different severity measures in addition to clinical setting, diagnosis, age, gender, and working status.

Model 1: all severity measures are included: MHAQ, SF36 Physical function, SF36 Mental function, and assistive tools.

Model 2: we include only SF36 Physical function, SF36 Mental function and assistive tools.

Model 3: we include only MHAQ and assistive tools.

Model 4: we include only MHAQ.