Figure 6.
Network reconstruction of the ACS-catalyzed reaction using the MPSF-processed data set. (A) Schematic representation of models 1–4 for the ACS-catalyzed reaction. For clarity, only forward reaction steps are shown, but all corresponding backward reaction steps (with arrow directions reversed) are included in each model, except for the backward step of ATP→ADP, which is treated as irreversible. E, enzyme; Q, acetyl-AMP. (B) Time course of concentrations of AMP and ATP show how the ENS results fit the MPSF-processed experimental data for different models. Dots represents the MPSF experimental data, and solid lines represent ENS results by the ensemble mean (middle line) and uncertainty bands with two ensemble standard deviations around the mean (upper and lower lines). (C) The χ2-values of ENS MC random walk process versus the MC sweep number for the MPSF-processed data set with 6000 MC sweeps, starting from a random rate coefficient (random θ) MC initialization. One of 20 repetitions (restarts) of this MC process is shown in C.