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. 2011 Aug 15;13(1):42. doi: 10.1186/1532-429X-13-42

Table 1.

Demographic Characteristics of the Study Cohort

All Patients (n = 210) LA contractile function ≥ median (n = 96) LA contractile function < median (n = 114) P-value
Clinical Characteristics
Age in years 52 ± 16 52 ± 16 51 ± 15 NS
Female Gender (%) 87 (41) 42 (44) 45 (39) NS
Resting Heart Rate 71 ± 15 71 ± 15 71 ± 15 NS
Hx. of Diabetes (%) 71 (34) 32 (33) 39 (34) NS
Hx. of Hypercholesterolemia (%) 138 (65) 60 (63) 78 (68) NS
Heavy Tobacco Use (%) 56 (27) 24 (25) 32 (28) NS
Hx of PAD (%) 21 (10) 6 (6) 15 (13) NS
Hx. of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (%) 25 (12) 12 (13) 13 (11) NS
Hx. of Cardiac Bypass Surgery (%) 21 (10) 6 (6) 15 (13) NS
Hx. of Angiographic Coronary Stenosis Before CMR (%) 45 (21) 22 (23) 23 (20) NS
Any Hx. of CAD before CMR (%) 41 (20) 17 (18) 24 (21) NS
Resting SBP 145 ± 25 148 ± 25 142 ± 24 NS
Resting DBP 75 ± 13 76 ± 12 75 ± 15 NS
Beta-blocker (%) 136 (65) 55 (57) 81 (71) 0.04
Calcium Blocker (%) 52 (25) 26 (27) 26 (23) NS
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (%) 103 (49) 51 (53) 52 (46) NS
Aspirin (%) 116 (55) 51 (53) 65 (57) NS
Nitrates (%) 23 (11) 9 (9) 14 (12) NS
Digoxin (%) 4 (2) 1 (1) 3 (3) NS
Rest Electrocardiogram£
Left Atrial Enlargement on ECG (%) 24 (11) 13 (14) 10 (9) NS
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy on ECG 17 (8) 7 (7) 10 (9) NS
QRS duration (ms) 100 ± 25 97 ± 20 102 ± 27 NS
Left bundle branch block (%) 19 (9) 9 (9) 10 (9) NS
Right bundle branch block (%) 16 (8) 3 (3) 13 (11) 0.05
QTc interval 439 ± 39 433 ± 36 443 ± 40 0.09
Significant Q-waves by Minnesota Code Criteria 19 (9) 12 (12) 7 (6) NS
Ao root dimen (mm) 28 ± 5 28 ± 4 28 ± 5 NS
LVEF (%) 58 ± 13 61 ± 10 55 ± 15 <0.01
LV mass (grams) 142 ± 50 139 ± 50 145 ± 51 NS
LVEDD (mm) 54 ± 8 53 ± 8 55 ± 8 NS
LVEDV index (ml/m2) 164 ± 59 160 ± 54 167 ± 63 NS
LVESV index (ml/m2) 73 ± 50 65 ± 41 79 ± 57 0.04
LA Volume index - end-systole (ml/m2) 51 ± 20 45 ± 16 57 ± 21 <0.0001
LA Volume index - before atrial contraction (ml/m2) 41 ± 18 72 ± 31 88 ± 38 0.001
LA Volume index - end-diastole (ml/m2) 30 ± 19 21 ± 9 39 ± 22 <0.0001
LAEFPassive (%) 19 ± 12 20 ± 12 18 ± 12 NS
LAEFContractile (%) 32 ± 15 42 ± 7 21 ± 13 <0.0001
LAEFTotal (%) 44 ± 16 54 ± 9 34 ± 15 <0.0001
Contractile/Passive Ratio 3.8 ± 19 5.1 ± 25 2.4 ± 8 <0.0001
Contractile/Total Ratio 0.57 ± 0.29 0.64 ± 0.18 0.50 ± 0.37 <0.0001