Figure 5.
SIII recordings from 3 ferrets reveal a general somatotopic pattern. (Row A; top) Locations of electrode penetrations on the suprasylvian gyrus for each animal are shown of dorsal views of the recorded, left hemisphere. (Row B) Enlarged view of penetrations with Voronoi diagram and superimposed receptive fields (Conventions same as Figure 1). Dark shading indicates regions in the lower portion of the face; light shading indicates regions of the upper face; white represents any vibrissa. Dashed lines indicate unisensory visual responses or unresponsive penetrations. (Part C; bottom) A summary of three animals generated by overlapping the 3 plots depicted immediately above. This schematic indicates that the middle of the suprasylvian gyrus contains a representation of the vibrissa while the upper face is represented on the lateral portion of the gyrus and the lower face on the medial portion. Caudal to SIII is a region which is visually responsive, corresponding to PPr (Manger et al 2002).