Figure 1. LW/BW ratios of newborn mice that were exposed to BNF prenatally and to hyperoxia postnatally.
Timed pregnant mice (C57BL/6J) were administered the vehicle corn oil (CO) or BNF (40 mg/kg), i.p., once daily on gestational days 17–19, and newborns delivered from timed pregnant mice, were maintained in room air or exposed to hyperoxia (> 95% oxygen) for 1, 3 or 5 days, after which the animals were sacrificed, and LW/BW ratios, which are indexes of lung injury, were determined as described under Materials and Methods. Values represent means ± SE of at least 5 mice from each group. *, Statistically significant differences between CO + O2 and CO + air-breathing mice at P < 0.05.