Dimerization profiles of single PR mutants in the presence of DRV. (A) COS-7 cells were cotransfected with pHIV-PRWTCFP plus pHIV-PRWTYFP (shown as WTCFP/WTYFP) or mutated pairs such as pHIV-PRP1ACFP plus pHIV-PRP1AYFP (shown as P1ACFP/P1AYFP) in the absence or presence of 1 μM DRV. On day 3 after transfection, CFPA/B ratios were determined. (B) COS7 cells were cotransfected with plasmid pair pHIV-PRA28SCFP and pHIV-PRA28SYFP in the absence or presence of an agent (1 μM GRL-0216, DRV, GRL-98065, TPV, or TMC126), and CFPA/B ratios were determined as described above. (A) The statistical evaluation of all the changes in the CFPA/B ratios determined in the presence or absence of DRV using the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test, gave P values ranging 0.000037 to 0.044, except for the P value for the pair A28SCFP and A28SYFP, which was 0.57. (B) The differences between the CFPA/B ratios in the absence of drug (CFPA/BNo Drug) and the CFPA/B ratios in the presence of 1.0 μM DRV (CFPA/B1.0 DRV) were statistically insignificant, indicating that all of the agents examined failed to block the dimerization of A28SCFP/A28SYFP.