Figure 3.
Velocity-controlled oscillators (VCOs) could be implemented in dendrites (a, red rectangles) or neurons (b, red circles). In both cases the VCOs are driven by a speed modulated head-direction cell or population of cells (firing rates rHDCi = v.di, where ν is the rat’s current velocity and di is the preferred direction for the ith VCO). (a) An implementation in which dendritic VCOs (sinusoidal dendritic MPOs with frequency fai) sum with the baseline input (frequency fb, blue line) and the interference patterns from different VCOs are multiplied at the grid cell soma (pale blue circle), see equation 6 and Figure 4. (b) An example in which neuronal VCOs (having sinusoidal MPOs with frequency fai) fire spikes with frequency fai. These spikes affect the membrane potential of the grid cell (modeled as a leaky-integrate and fire neuron, pale blue circle) whose membrane potential is also modulated by the baseline input (frequency fb, blue line). Figure 3a is adapted from Burgess et al. (2007).