a, Ankyrin G label in control and 15 mM K+ conditions. Right, fluorescence intensity along the axon. Dotted lines indicate soma. b, Ankyrin G positions and length (885 cells, 36 coverslips). c, βIV-spectrin and PanNav label. d, Positions for βIV-spectrin (1065 cells, 44 coverslips), PanNav (95 cells, 4 coverslips), Pan-neurofascin (NF; 96 cells, 4 coverslips), and FGF-14 (89 cells, 4 coverslips). e, Ankyrin G label after recovery from (K+-control), or continued (K+-K+) depolarization (194 cells, 8 coverslips). f, βIV spectrin label in GAD65+positive neurons (200 cells, 8 coverslips). All scale bars indicate 20 μm; *P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001. All plots show mean ± s.e.m.