Figure 6.
IEL from infected mice induce disease in Rag1−/− mice when co-transferred with LP from noninfected animals. Noninfected Rag1−/− recipients received combinations of IEL and LP from infected (Inf) and noninfected (Ctrl) mice, then 5 days later tissues were collected for histopathological evaluation in the ileum. A, Rag1−/− mice receiving IEL and LP from noninfected mice; B, Rag1−/− recipients of IEL from noninfected mice and LP from infected animals; C, Rag1−/− recipients of IEL from infected mice in combination with LP from noninfected animals. Scores for individual mice are shown in D, where * indicates p < 0.05 and ** indicates p < 0.01. Scale bar in A represents 50 μm.