RIS Treatment in Peri-adolescence Prevents the Reduction of Hippocampal Volume in Adult Offspring of Poly I:C–Treated Dams. (A) Representative T2-weighted images at the level of the hippocampus (HP) of an adult (4 months) offspring of saline- or poly I:C–injected dams treated with vehicle, 0.045 mg/kg RIS (RIS-low), or 1.2 mg/kg rispridone (RIS-high) in peri-adolescence. (B) HP volume of adult offspring of saline- or poly I:C–injected dams treated with vehicle, RIS-low, or RIS-high. All values are means ± standard error of the mean. *, Significant difference between poly I:C-vehicle and saline-vehicle, poly I:C-low RIS, and poly I:C-high RIS conditions (all P values < .005).