RIS Treatment in Peri-adolescence Prevents Behavioral Abnormalities in Adult Offspring of Poly I:C–Treated Dams. (A) RIS prevents LI loss. Times (logarithmically transformed) to complete 25 licks in the presence of a tone that was previously paired with shock in 6 experimental conditions denoted according to prenatal treatment received by the pregnant dams (saline and poly I:C) and preventive treatment received by the offspring (vehicle, Veh; 0.045 mg/kg RIS [RIS-low]; and 1.2 mg/kg RIS [RIS-high]). In each condition, preexposed (PE) rats received 40 nonreinforced tone presentations prior to tone-shock conditioning, whereas non-preexposed (NPE) rats did not receive any tones. LI is manifested as shorter log times to complete 25 licks after tone onset of the PE compared with the NPE group. *, Significant difference (P values < .003) between the PE and NPE groups. (B) RIS prevents rapid reversal learning. Number of trials to criterion on day 1 discrimination (inset) and on day 2 discrimination and reversal in the 6 experimental conditions denoted according to prenatal treatment received by the pregnant dams (saline and poly I:C) and preventive treatment received by the offspring (vehicle, Veh; 0.045 mg/kg RIS [RIS-low]; and 1.2 mg/kg RIS [RIS-high). *, Significant difference between poly I:C-vehicle and the other 5 conditions (all P values < .03). (C) RIS prevents increased locomotor response to amphetamine induced by prenatal poly I:C treatment. Total activity counts in the 6 experimental conditions before (6 bars on the left) and after amphetamine injection. **, Significant difference in amphetamine-induced activity between poly I:C-vehicle and saline-vehicle, poly I:C-low RIS, and poly I:C-high RIS (all P values < .0009). *, Significant difference in spontaneous and amphetamine-induced activity between saline-vehicle and saline-high RIS, and saline-low RIS and saline-high RIS conditions (all P values < .03). All values are means ± standard error of the mean.