Figure 1.
Effect of 50 mmol/L KCl (K+) on (A) vascular diameter and (B) arterial constriction in C and Beta MCA pressurized at 60 mmHg. A: There was no significant difference between resting (R) (C-R vs. Beta-R) and passive (P) (C-P vs. Beta-P) diameters in MCA from C and Beta sheep. Furthermore, addition of 50 mmol/L K+ caused a comparable decrease in arterial diameter in both C-K+ and Beta-K+ MCA. (N: C=5; beta-exposed=7; p=n.s.). B: Percent pressure-induced constriction was similar in MCA from C and Beta sheep. Additionally, 50 mmol/L K+ resulted in a comparable degree of constriction in both C-K+ and Beta-K+ MCA. (N: C=5; beta-exposed=7; p=n.s.).