Fig. 3.
Navβ1 and Navβ2 subunits modulate late Na+ current (INaL) decay kinetics and density in ventricular cardiac myocytes from both normal dogs and from dogs with chronic heart failure. Shown are results of post-transcriptional silencing of SCN1B and SCN2B genes with the corresponding siRNAs. A: representative raw traces of INaL were recorded in cells from the normal (top) and failing (bottom) hearts cultured for 5 days after transfection with the control nonsilencing siRNA (control) and with Navβ1-siRNA or Navβ2-siRNA (indicated by the arrows), respectively. Exponential fits (Supplemental Eq. S1) are shown by solid lines and are superimposed with the experimental traces. Bottom, inset: voltage protocol. Statistical data for current density (B), and decay time constants (C and D) evaluated by the double exponential fit (Supplemental Eq. S1) in freshly isolated myocytes and after 5 days in culture of normal hearts, in freshly isolated myocytes of failing dog hearts and after 5 days in culture infected by the nonsilencing (ns-siRNA) or silencing siRNA, respectively, are shown. There was no statistically significant difference between INaL parameters when freshly isolated and cultured myocytes were compared for both normal and failing hearts. All INaL parameters remain significantly different when normal and failing hearts were compared for both freshly isolated and cultured cells infected by the ns-siRNA (*, §). Infection of myocytes of normal and failing heart with adenovirus containing Navβ1- or Navβ2-siRNA caused statistically significant (**, ¶) reduction or increase (†, ‡) in the INaL density (B) or decay time constants for both normal and failing hearts, respectively. Statistical significance, P < 0.05, was evaluated by the ANOVA followed by Bonferroni's post hoc test. Data represent means ± SE; cell numbers are indicated at the bars.