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. 2011 Oct 20;6(10):e25985. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0025985

Table 1. Characteristics of DNA Methylation Groups. .

Group 1 Group 2
186 tissues/160 patients 131 tissues/120 patients p-value1§ Adjusted p-value2*
Mean GATA5 DNA methylation (SD) 286.9 (235.6) 22.0 (23.1)
Subject Characteristics (% of tissues)
Sex Male 161/137 (86.6%) 93/86 (71.0%) 0.003 0.03**
Race White 141/116 (75.8%) 83/74 (63.4%) 0.03 0.90
Mean age at diagnosis (in years) (SD) 61.3 (8.6) 60.2 (10.9) 0.35 0.79
Mean BMI at diagnosis (in kg/m2) (SD) 27.7 (5.2) 25.8 (6.0) 0.045 0.06
 Missing (count) 7/7 15/13
Smoking status 0.003 0.07
 Never 41/37 (22.0%) 51/45 (38.9%)
 Ever 145/123 (78.0%) 80/75 (61.1%)
Former smokers 95/81 (51.1%) 38/36 (29.0%)
Current smokers 50/42 (26.9%) 42/39 (32.1%)
Mean number of cigarettes per day (SD) 43.3 (33.5) 53.3 (38.8) 0.03 0.14
Total fat (in gram/1000 kcal) 43.1 (7.7) 40.4 (9.1) 0.01 0.26
Presence of symptoms: sour stomach, gas pain, heartburn, and swallow symptoms 0.01 0.07
 None 85/74 (48.0%) 77/70 (62.1%)
 One 30/24 (17.0%) 21/19 (16.9%)
 Two 44/37 (24.9%) 13/13 (10.5%)
 Three or four 18/17 (10.2%) 13/12 (10.5%)
 Missing (count) 9/8 7/6
Tumor Characteristics (% of tissues)
Tumor site/subtype 0.0003 0.003***
 Esophageal Adenocarcinoma 73/60 (39.3%) 29/29 (22.1%)
 Gastric Cardia Adenocarcinoma 74/61 (39.8%) 47/38 (35.9%)
 Distal Gastric Adenocarcinoma 39/39 (21.0%) 55/53 (42.0%)
Tumor stage 0.18 0.28
 1) In situ or localized 38/35 (20.4%) 22/20 (16.8%)
 2) Regional, direct extension or lymph nodes only 32/24 (17.2%) 20/18 (15.3%)
 3) Regional, direct extension & lymph nodes 62/53 (33.3%) 34/30 (26.0%)
 4) Distant metastases or unstageable 54/48 (29.0%) 55/52 (42.0%)
Mean tumor size (mm) (SD) 50.2 (22.5) 52.8 (28.5) 0.51 0.66
 Size unknown (count) 58/53 41/41
Tumor differentiation 0.20 0.23
 Well or Moderately differentiated 50/39 (26.9%) 34/32 (25.9%)
 Poorly differentiated 123/108 (66.1%) 79/70 (60.3%)
 Undifferentiated 8/8 (4.3%) 7/7 (5.3%)
 Differentiation unknown 5/5 (2.7%) 11/11 (8.4%)

†Except for those specified, the information in this table means Count of Tissue Samples/Count of Subjects (% tissues) or Mean (SD).

§p-value1 was computed using GEE and no adjustment variables.

*p-value2 was calculated using GEE after adjusting for tumor site and sex.

**p-value was calculated for the sex variable using GEE after adjusting for tumor site.

***p-value was calculated for the tumor site variable using GEE after adjusting for sex.