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. 2011 Jun 29;19(11):1152–1160. doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2011.120

Table 3. Overview of all patients giving karyotype, phenotype and De Vries score.

Array platformb
No. of CNVsc
Adjusted De Vries scoree
  Two-breakpoint aberrations
1 t(X;3)(p21.3;p25.1) 32k 3 Dolichocephaly, long face, strabism, full tip of the nose, prominent columella, dysmorphic ears, short philtrum, hyperthyroidism, severe DD, speech delay, convulsions, hypotonia 4
2 t(X;10)(p22.32;q22.2) 244k 4 Short stature, microcornea, iris coloboma, cataract, short and broad hand and feet, hirsutism, adipositas, secundary amenorrhoea, severe DD, blindness, hypotonia 4
332, pt A t(X;19)(p11.4;q13.3) 32k 6 Autism, borderline DD (IQ 82), mild hypotonia 0
4 inv(X)(q22.1q28) 32k 7 Down-slant palpebral fissures, open mouth appearance, pes planus, convulsions, speech delay, autism 2
5 t(1;2)(p35;q33) 105k 4 Chondrodysplasia punctata, severe short stature, low-set dysplastic ears, flat nose, hemangioma, PMR, deafness, hypertonia 5
6 t(1;6)(p22.1;q15) 244k 7 Macrocephaly, cerebral atrophy, deep-set eyes, prominent fore head, midface hypoplasia, low nasal bridge, short philtrum, low-set ears, pectus excavatum, small hands with broad short phalanges of the thumbs, pes planus, severe DD 6
7 t(1;8)(p22.1;p23.3) 244k 6 Severe DD, absent tendon reflexes, autism, hypotonia 2
8 t(1;14)(q42.1;q31.1) 32k 7 Dysplastic ears, mild DD, obstipation 2
9 t(1;16)(q21;p11.2) 250k 6 Pre-auricular tag, DD (IQ 50), behavioral and sleep problems 2
10 t(1;17)(p36.1;q11) 244k 5 Mild DD, obstipation, recurrent airway infections 1
11 inv(1)(p22.3p34.1) 32k 4 Macrocephaly (+4.5 SD), dolichocephaly, mild ventriculomegaly, hypertelorism, upward slanted and narrow palpebral fissures, micrognathia, proximally placed thumbs, mild DD 5
12 t(2;9)(q34;p22) 244k 2 Broad tip of the nose, micrognathia, single palmar crease, convulsions, deceased at age 2 months NA
13 t(2;10)(p13;p14) 105k 3 Broad tip of the nose, moderate/severe DD, convulsions, hypotonia 2
1433 t(2;10)(p23;q22.1) 32k 6 Birth weight >P98, macrocephaly, sparse hair, hypoplastic alae nasi, dysplastic ears, moderate DD, psychotic disorder, hypotonia, nasal speech, disturbed serine metabolism 4
15 t(2;10)(p25;q26) 250k 5 Epicanthus, club foot, hyperlaxity, mild DD (IQ 64), affective psychotic episodes 2
16 t(2;10)(q22;q22.3) 244k 10 Growth retardation, down-slanting palpebral fissures, small nose, mild/moderate DD, convulsions, hypotonia, obstipation 4
17 t(2;10)(q23;p12) 244k 8 Narrow fore head, high narrow palate, mild retrognathia, mild DD, autism 3
1828 t(2;14)(q37.3;q13) 105k 2 IUGR, microcephaly, iris coloboma, laryngomalacia, umbilical hernia, inguinal hernia, severe PMR 6
19 t(2;15)(p22.2;p11) 32k 3 Left-sided hemiparesis, upturned nose, 3 maxillary incisors, absent lower canine tooth, dilatation of aorta, scoliosis, arachnodactyly, mild DD, pubertas tarda, hyperlaxity 5
20 t(2;17)(p25;q23) 250k 3 No dysmorphisms, eczema, PMR, speech delay, IQ 50–60 1
21 t(2;18)(q23;q23) 250k 6 Macrosomia at birth, bulbous nose, high narrow palate, pointed chin, tibial bowing, obesity, mild DD 4
22 inv(2)(q11.2q33) 32k 5 High birth weight (>P98), deep-set eyes, short palpebral fissures, high bridge of the nose, micrognathia, high palate, micropenis, large hands, mild DD, aggressive behavior 4
23 t(3;12)(p13;p13.3) 244k 4 Macrocephaly, macro-orchidism, nervus opticus atrophy, kyphosis, DD 4
24 t(4;8)(p16.1;p23.1) 244k 3 Short stature, pre-auricular tags, synophris, prognathia, epicanthus, broad nasal bridge, thin upper lip, wide spaced teeth, mild DD, behavioral problems 4
25 t(4;12)(p12;q13.2∼13.3) 244k 3 Hypertelorism, large ears, broad tip of the nose, short philtrum, thin upper lip, recurrent infections, no DD 2
26 t(4;16)(q33;q12.2) 244k 8 Microcephaly, moderate/severe DD, hypotonia 3
27 t(4;17)(q23;q21) 244k 4 Short stature (<P3), cerebral atrophy, strabism, scoliosis, severe DD, pes plani, autism, hypotonia 4
28 t(5;7)(p15.1;p22) 32k 5 Upturned nose, mild DD, speech delay, autism, obsessive eating disorder 2
29 t(5;10)(q33;q25) 250k 4 High birth weight (P98), blepharophimosis, epicanthus, strabism, long face, prominent nose, aplasia of nails, hip dysplasia, obesity, sensorineural deafness, severe DD, hypotonia 5
30 t(5;17)(p15.3;q25.3) 32k 6 Macrocephaly, dolichocephaly, mild hypertelorism, epicanthus, short philtrum, micrognathia, overriding 2nd and 4th toes, mild conductive hearing loss, severe DD, speech delay, mild hypotonia 6
31 inv(5)(q14q33) 32k 2 Protruding tongue, down-slanting palpebral fissures, strabism, posteriorly rotated ears, hirsutism, moderate DD, speech delay, autistic spectrum disorder 3
32 t(6;9)(q21;p24) 250k 3 Severe DD, no speech, convulsions, mild hypotonia 2
33 t(6;11)(p12.3;p14.2) 32k 10 Macrocephaly, strabism, high palate, hypertrichosis lumbosacralis, cryptorchidism, camptylodactyly dig V, pes plani valgi and metatarsus adductus, moderate DD, speech delay, mild sensorineural deafness, mild hypotonia 5
34 t(6;11)(q16.2;p15.1) 250k 5 Epicanthus, severe DD, no speech, mild hypotonia 3
35 inv(6)(p11.1q21) 32k 6 Eye disorder, mild to moderate DD 2
36 t(7;15)(p14;p11.2) 244k 7 Microcephaly, small nose, dysplastic ears, low-set left ear, clinodactyly, cryptorchidism, severe DD, West syndrome 5
37 31, pt 3 inv(7)(p22q21.3) 244k 5 Ectrodactyly of both hands and feet, atriovenous malformation of right hand, autism, no DD 1
38 t(8;14)(q21.2;q12) 32k 5 Microcephaly, partial agenesis corpus callosum, deep-set eyes, strabism, high palate, open mouth appearance, scoliosis, pectus excavatum, short distal phalanges, severe DD, absent speech, convulsions, obstipation 7
39 t(10;16)(q24.1;p11.2) 244k 8 Epicanthus, hypogonadism, obesity, mild DD, autism 2
40 t(12;14)(q13.1;q32.3) 244k 6 Trigonocephaly (familial), mild dysplastic ears, no DD 2
41 t(12;14)(q24.1;q11.2) 244k 5 Long narrow face, sparse hair, broad nasal bridge, umbilical hernia, scoliosis and asymmetrical thorax, mild DD, hypotonia with hypertonia of extremities 3
4222, pt 8 t(12;15)(q24.1;q21.1) 244k 9 Marfan phenotype, broad nasal bridge, short philtrum, long and small fingers and toes, celiac disease, PMR, hypotonia, no intellectual disability 3
43 t(13;17)(q32;q21) 32k 4 Deceased 1 day after uneventful pregnancy and birth, enlarged liver, steatosis NA
44 t(17;22)(q23;q12.2) 32k 4 Long narrow face, down-slanting palpebral fissures, retrognathia, severe scoliosis, pectus excavatum, arachnodactyly, short 4th metatarsals, hallux valgus, mild/moderate DD, cutis marmorata 5
4529 t(18 ;20)(q21.1 ;q11.2) 32k 12 Broad, square face, high narrow palate, bilateral single palmar crease, pes planus, mild DD 3
46 t(19;21)(q13.3;q22.3) 244k 5 Microcephaly, epicanthus, high nasal bridge, overfolded helices, valvular pulmonary stenosis, pectus excavatum, mild webbing of the fingers, delayed speech development 6
  Complex chromosome rearrangements
47 ins(5;17)(pter;p13.33p13.1) 32k 9 Short stature (<P3), microcephaly, broad nasal bridge, thin upper lip, ASD, mild DD, persistent diarrhea 6
48 ins(1;11)(p22;q23.1q24.3) inv(1)(p13q23) 32k 2 Short stature, mild trigonocephaly, epicanthus, upslant palpebral fissures, short nose, hearing loss, carp mouth, short 4th metatarsal bone left, pes planus, moderate DD, convulsions, obesity 5
49 der(2)ins(8;2)(q2?;p15p21), der(8)ins(8;2)inv(p?;q?) 32k 4 Short stature (<P3), microcephaly, epicanthus, dysplastic ears, carp mouth, severe gastro-oesophageal reflux, kyphoscoliosis, contractures, rocker bottom feet, severe DD, absent speech, mild hypotonia 8
50 der(2),der(10),der(18) 250k 4 Microcephaly, severe PMR, hypotonia 3
51 der(6)t(6;9)(p21.3;q22) ins(6;13)(p21.3;q?21q31), der(9)t(6;9),der(13)ins(6;13) 32k 5 Birth weight <P3, short stature (<P3), microcephaly, enlarged 4th ventricle, ptosis, strabism, broad high nasal bridge, low dysplastic ears, cleft palate, micrognathia, ASD, clinodactyly dig V, severe speech delay, hypotonia, compulsive behaviour, obstipation 9
52 t(10;18;14)(p15.3;q12.2;q32.3) 244k 6 Sotos syndrome (NSD1 mutation), height and head circumference >P99, broad high forehead, hypertelorism, broad nasal bridge, overfolded helices, pectus excavatum, mild DD, autism NA
5334 der(2),der(3),der(7),der(11) 32k 7 Hypertelorism, everted large nose, full lips, pectus carinatum, short fingers, convulsions, severe DD, absent speech 5
54 t(2;6;12;3)(q24;q23;q12;p13) 250k 5 PMR, hypotonia 1

Based on conventional karyotype and FISH analysis.


32k=32k BAC array; 105k=Agilent 105k oligonucleotide array; 244k=Agilent 244k oligonucleotide array; 250k=Affymetrix 250k SNP array.


The total number of copy number variations (CNVs) detected, including well-known benign CNVs. See Table 4 for potentially causative copy number alterations.


ASD=atrial septal defect; DD=developmental delay; PMR=psychomotor retardation.


See Table 2, NA=not applicable.