Figure 3. Profile of the soluble proteome of the 10 studied pediatric H. pylori strains.
These include five strains associated with NUD (173/00, 207/99, 228/99, 655/99 and 1786/05), four from patients affected by DU (1089/03, 1152/04, 1198/04 and 1846/05) and a strain associated with GU (499/02). Proteins from the total biomass recovered from a 24 h grown plate were separated by 2DE, i.e., first in a non-linear pH 3–11 and than in a 7–16% (w/v) SDS-PAGE. After CBB-staining, gels were analyzed using ImageMaster™ 2-D Platinum software. Black arrow indicates spots that were more abundant in PUD (DU+GU) strains when compared to NUD strains; Dotted arrow indicates spots that were less abundant in PUD (DU+GU) strains when compared to NUD strains; Dashed arrow indicates the spot that was shifted right in DU strains when compared to NUD strains. Spot numbers indicated in the 2DE maps are the same as used in Table 2.