Figure 3. Reaction of thioredoxin with fluorescein-N-hydroxysuccinimide ester to produce a fluorescently labeled thioredoxin bioconjugate.
Trx-F was created by reacting fluorescein-N-hydroxysuccinimide with Trx. Escherichia coli Trx contains ten surface lysines that are shown with coupled fluoresceins in the model of the fully substituted molecule on the right. Residues in Trx that are critical for binding to Trx reductase are colored red in the Trx-F model. The amino acid cysteine 32 in Trx (yellow) forms a disulfide bond with Trx reductase. At least two fluoresceins (yellow arrows) could inhibit binding of the Trx to the Trx reductase.
Trx: Thioredoxin; Trx-F: Fluorescently labeled thioredoxin bioconjugate.