Figure 2. WGA protein expression in the circumvallate and foliate papillae of pkd1l3-WGA transgenic mice.
(A–D) Immunostaining revealed robust expression of WGA protein in the CvP (A) and FoP (B) but not in the FuP (C) or palate (D). The dotted lines indicate the approximate area of taste buds (C and D). (E–J) Double fluorescent immunostaining showed that WGA-positive cells (red) were also positive for AADC (green) (E–G) but negative for PLC-β2 (green) (H–J) in the CvP. (K–P) Double fluorescent immunostaining revealed that the signals of WGA protein (red) were detected in the fiber-like structures that were positive for P2X2 (green) (K–M) and that the sum of AADC and P2X2 signals (green) appeared to contain the signals of WGA protein (red) (N–P) in the CvP. Scale bars: (in A), (in D) B–D, 50 µm; (in P) E–P, 20 µm.