Relative HCN subtype expression in Kiss1 neurons in the ARC of Kiss1-CreGFP mice. A, Real-time PCR amplification and dissociation curves for HCN1–3 and β-actin. The HCN1 (blue line), HCN2 (green line), and HCN3 (red line) depict the mean CT values for each of the three channel subtypes. The expression values were normalized to β-actin (black dotted line). The yellow dotted line is the midpoint of the exponential phase of amplification at which the CT was determined. B, qPCR measurements of HCN1, HCN2, and HCN3 mRNA in Kiss1 neuronal pools (three to six pools per animal) from OVX mice (n = 3 animals). HCN2 and HCN3 had higher expression relative to HCN1. The expression values were calculated via the ΔΔCT method and normalized to the mean ΔCT of HCN1 expression levels. Bar graphs represent the mean ± sem. *, P < 0.05, HCN3 vs. HCN1 (ANOVA); **, P < 0.01, HCN2 vs. HCN1 (ANOVA).