Figure 4. Depletion of IL-22 blocks the recruitment of antigen-nonspecific cells into the liver.
Livers from HBV Tg mice receiving splenocytes from non-immunized mice (control) or immunized mice in the absence (-anti-IL-22) or presence (+anti-IL-22) of IL-22 Ab were weighed at the time of euthanasia, and IHLs were isolated from two liver lobes of a similar weight and analyzed by flow cytometry. The indicated numbers of total IHLs or splenocytes and cell subsets represent the absolute numbers in the liver or spleen, respectively. (A) total IHL and splenocyte number, (B) CD4 T cells, (C) CD8 T cells, (D) NK cells, (E) neutrophils, and (F) B cells. Similar patterns were observed for NKT cells, lymphoid dendritic cells, myeloid dendritic cells, and macrophages (not shown).