Figure 4. hnRNP G mutations in hnRNP G-positive HOSCC.
A. PCR-SSCP analysis of exon 2 (left) and exon 9 (right) of the hnRNP G gene. Abnormal band patterns were noted in the exon 2 of case 5 and in the exon 9 of case 37 and 41. B. DNA sequencing analysis of the hnRNP G gene of case 5 and 37. A missense mutation from Gly (GGC) to Asp (GAC) at codon 29 in exon 2 was found in case 5. Identical mutations, one base pair C deletion at the 1st nucleotide in codon 368 and a base pair substitution from C to T at the 1st nucleotide in codon 369 were found in case 37. Identical C deletion was also detected from case 41 (data not shown).