Bathing Duration (minutes/bath) a | Swimming Pool Visit Duration (minutes/month) a |
50%c | 10% | 90% | 50%c | 10% | 90% | |
Typical population b |
20 | 10 | 45 | 60 | 15 | 180 |
Bathing Frequency (baths/day)a |
Swimming Pool Visit Frequency (visits/month)a |
1c | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 20 | 30 | range | |
Typical populationb |
70.7% | 22.2% | 3.08% | 22.5% | 14.4% | 11.2% | 3.83% | 3.98% | 1–60 exposures |
Applied to both adults and children.
A 20-min bath exposure and a 60-min pool duration and a 1 bath/day assumption was made to calculate dermal doses from typical exposures.