mMCP-4 deficiency does not impair mast cell degranulation. Neonatal WT and mMCP4−/− mice were injected i.d. with pathogenic rabbit anti-mBP180 IgG (2.64 mg/g body weight) and examined at different time points post-injection. A and B, toluidine blue staining showed similar degrees of mast cell (MC) degranulation in pathogenic IgG-injected WT and mMCP-4−/− mice at 2 h post-injection, when MC degranulation reaches the peak level. Arrow, degranulating mast cells. C, quantification of MC degranulation (expressed as % of MC degranulation) further confirmed that there was no difference in the number of degranulating MCs in the dermis of IgG-injected WT and mMCP-4−/− mice. D, quantification of infiltrating PMNs in the skin by measuring MPO activity (expressed as relative MPO activity, A460 nm/mg of protein) showed similar levels of PMN recruitment at 4 h, but significantly reduced levels at 12 and 24 h between the two groups of mice. n = 6 for each group. *, p < 0.01.