Expression and differential clustering of HA-tagged GABAAR α3 and selected deletion constructs in hippocampal neurons. Transfected 18–21 days in vitro neurons expressing HA-tagged GABAAR α3 (A–D), Δ1 (E–H), Δ3 (I–L), and Δ4 (M–P) were stained with HA antibodies under nonpermeabilizing conditions (without Triton X-100; green) and after permeabilization with 0.05% Triton X-100 with mAb7a against gephyrin (red). Note that wild-type GABAAR α3 and mutant Δ3 display good co-localization with gephyrin, whereas for mutants Δ1 and Δ4 little co-localization is observed. The third panel in each row represents the merged images, and enlargements of the respective dendrites (indicated by white boxes) are displayed in the fourth panel. Scale bars, 25 μm.