Figure 3. Modified Kitz-Wilson plot for GRx1 inactivation by sporidesmin.
GRx1 (0.9 μM) was incubated with different concentrations of sporidesmin (0.05–1 mM) for 5 min at 30 °C, 0.1 M K phosphate, pH 7.5, and residual activities were determined relative to ethanol treated control as described in Figure 2. KI and kinact were determined according to the relationship: ln (Eo/Et)/ t = kinact [I] / (KI + [I]), where Eo and Et refer to GRx1 concentrations at times 0 and t, [I] refers to sporidesmin concentration, KI is the concentration of inactivator that gives half the maximal rate of inactivation, and kinact is the net rate constant for inactivation. The KI of sporidesmin for GRx1 is 0.15 mM and the kinact is 0.72 min−1. Each point represents the mean value, plus and minus the standard error, for at least three determinations. Where error bars are not evident they are within the size of the symbol.