Table 4.
Optimization results in model without capacity constraints
Budget (€ *10^6) | Spent in general population (%) | Total health gains (QALY *1000) | Gained in general population (%) | Incremental costs per QALY |
1 | 100 | 700 | 100 | €1,460 |
10 | 100 | 6,950 | 100 | €1,460 |
100 | 96 | 49,600 | 96 | €3,040 |
250 | 96 | 78,000 | 96 | €7,230 |
500 | 74 | 113,000 | 84 | €8,510 |
750 | 73 | 142,000 | 81 | €10,900 |
1000 | 55 | 168,000 | 68 | €10,900 |
2500 | 70 | 309,000 | 73 | €13,700 |
5000 | 77 | 516,000 | 78 | €20,000 |
7250 | 78 | 651,000 | 78 | €20,800 |
10,000 | 84 | 801,000 | 82 | €21,700 |
Maximal budget: 13,587 | 87 | 958,000 | 84 | €426,000 |
Maximal health gains and incremental costs per QALY for a range of different budgets. Model without capacity constraints. (Net present values over a lifetime horizon. Discounted rates 4% for costs and 1.5% for QALYs, price level 2007.)