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. 2011 Sep 30;10:102. doi: 10.1186/1475-2891-10-102

Table 3.

Adjusted prevalence (with standard error) of and adjusted odds ratios (with 95% confidence intervals) for taking vitamin supplements among adults aged ≥ 18 years, by sex and by depression and anxiety status, BRFSS, 2006

Adjusted prevalence* Adjusted odds ratio*

% (SE) AOR 95% CI
Men (n = 18, 497)
 Ever diagnosed depression
  Yes (n = 2, 140) 56.5 (1.8)¶ 1.40 1.18-1.66
  No (n = 15, 952) 48.8 (0.6) 1.00
 Ever diagnosed anxiety
  Yes (n = 1, 508) 57.5 (2.3)¶ 1.46 1.18-1.80
  No (n = 16, 584) 49.0 (0.6) 1.00
  Yes (n = 1, 162) 52.1 (3.1) 1.12 0.86-1.47
  No (n = 16, 930) 49.5 (0.6) 1.00
Women (n = 28, 332)
 Ever diagnosed depression
  Yes (n = 5, 879) 65.0 (1.0)§ 1.15 1.04-1.28
  No (n = 22, 148) 62.0 (0.5) 1.00
 Ever diagnosed anxiety
  Yes (n = 4, 038) 64.0 (1.2) 1.08 0.95-1.22
  No (n = 23, 989) 62.4 (0.5) 1.00
  Yes (n = 2, 816) 61.2 (1.5) 0.92 0.80-1.07
  No (n = 25, 211) 62.8 (0.5) 1.00

*Adjusted for age, race/ethnicity, education, body mass index, marital status, smoking, leisure-time physical activity, and alcohol consumption. § P < 0.01, ¶ P < 0.001 for comparisons between adults with ever diagnosed depression or anxiety and those without. AOR = Adjusted odds ratio, BRFSS = Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, CI = Confidence interval, EDS = Elevated depressive symptoms, SE = Standard Error