Table 1.
Dimensions of the ACT
Concept | Definition | Sample item |
Leadership1 | The actions of formal leaders in an organization (unit) to influence change and excellence in practice, items generally reflect emotionally intelligent leadership | The leader calmly handles stressful situations |
Culture1 | The way that "we do things" in our organizations and work units; items generally reflect a supportive work culture | My organization effectively balances best practice and productivity |
Evaluation1 | The process of using data to assess group/team performance and to achieve outcomes in organizations or units (i.e., evaluation) | Our team routinely monitors our performance with respect to the action plans |
Social Capital1 | The stock of active connections among people. These connections are of three types: bonding, bridging, and linking | People in the group share information with others in the group |
Informal Interactions2 | Informal exchanges that occur between individuals working within an organization (unit) that can promote the transfer of knowledge | How often do you interact with people in the following roles or positions?; - Someone who champions research and its use in practice |
Formal Interactions2 |
Formal exchanges that occur between individuals working within an organization (unit) through scheduled activities that can promote the transfer of knowledge | How often do these activities occur?; - Team meetings |
Structural/Electronic Resources3 | The structural and electronic elements of an organization (unit) that facilitate the ability to assess and use knowledge | How often do you use/attend the following?; - A library |
Organizational Slack | The cushion of actual or potential resources which allows an organization (unit) to adapt successfully to internal pressures for adjustments or to external pressures for changes | |
Staffing1 | Enough staff to deliver quality care | |
Time1 | Time to do something extra for patients | |
Space1 | Use of designated space |
1= Scale: 1-strongly disagree; 2-disagree; 3-neither agree or disagree; 4-agree; 5-strongly agree; 2= Scale: 1-never; 2-rarely; 3-ocasionally; 4-frequently; 5-almost always;
3= Scale: 1-never; 2-rarely; 3-ocasionally; 4-frequently; 5-almost always; 6- not accessible