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. 2011 Oct 4;11:251. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-11-251

Table 7.

Significant Explanatory Variables on each ACT Concept

Dependent Variable Level Model 3 (individual, specialty and unit variables) Coefficients SE P-value
Leadership Individual Unit Exhaustion -0.6610 0.0217 0.0024
Job satisfaction 0.1925 0.0362 < 0.0001
Support for innovative ideas 0.6610 0.2394 0.0114

Culture Individual Unit Education (Diploma)1 0.3123 0.1313 0.0224
Education (Bachelor) 0.2797 0.1288 0.0360
Age -0.0337 0.0092 0.0003
Exhaustion -0.0432 0.0144 0.0028
Adequate orientation 0.0639 0.0222 0.0042
Job satisfaction 0.2169 0.0236 < 0.0001
Cynicism 0.1794 0.0681 0.0151
Years on unit 0.0196 0.0089 0.0392
Support for innovative ideas 0.4343 0.0675 < 0.0001

Evaluation Individual Unit Employment status (part time)2 -0.2879 0.1404 0.0458
Specialty (surgical)3 -0.6672 0.1181 < 0.0001
Specialty (medical) -0.4444 0.1223 0.0015
Unit size (no. beds) 0.0128 0.0035 0.0014
Support for innovative ideas 0.9394 0.1644 < 0.0001
Proportion of baccalaureate or higher -0.0095 0.0043 0.0393

Social capital Individual Unit Adequate orientation 0.0708 0.0214 0.0010
Job satisfaction 0.1029 0.0229 < 0.0001
Unit size (no. of beds) -0.0044 0.0015 0.0102
Support for innovative ideas 0.3763 0.0719 < 0.0001

OS - Staffing Individual Unit ExhaustionJob satisfactionN/A -0.15170.2027N/A 0.02730.0454N/A < 0.0001 < 0.0001N/A

OS - Space Individual Unit Exhaustion -0.0819 0.0240 0.0007
Job satisfaction 0.1126 0.0400 0.0050
Years on unit 0.0737 0.0343 0.0436
Support for innovative ideas 0.7787 0.2788 0.0106

OS - Time Individual Unit Exhaustion -0.0809 0.0162 < 0.0001
Job satisfaction 0.1241 0.0269 < 0.0001

Formal interactions Individual Unit Exhaustion -0.1074 0.0297 0.0003
Specialty (surgical) -0.5417 0.1975 0.0119
Support for innovative ideas -0.3962 0.2759 0.0226

Informal interactions Individual Unit Exhaustion -0.1290 0.0464 0.0056
Support for innovative ideas 0.8710 0.2970 0.0077

Structural and electronic resources Individual Unit Exhaustion -0.1500 0.0568 0.0084
Support for innovative ideas 0.9376 0.4087 0.0317

1 Reference group for Education: Master or higher

2 Reference group for Employment status: Casual

3 Reference group for Specialty: Critical Care

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