ANTS/DPX requenching assay for the mutant peptides. (A) DL-1 in POPC, (B) CE-1 in POPC, (C) MG-1 in POPC, (D) DL-2a in POPC, (E) CE-2 in POPC/POPG 1:1, and (F) MG-2 in POPC/POPG 1:1. The solid lines in panels D–F (DL-2a, CE-2, and MG-2) represent the best fits to the equation for graded release (Eq. 5). The corresponding fit parameters are, for DL-2a, α = 0.28 and Ksta = 80 M−1; for CE-2, α = 8.5 and Ksta = 140 M−1; and for MG-2, α = 3.0 and Ksta = 140 M−1. For comparison with DL-2a, for δ-Lysin in POPC, the parameters were α = 0.22 and Ksta = 220 M−1 (15). The dashed horizontal lines represent the behavior expected for all-or-none release.