Fig. 3.
Tbx2 and Tbx3 RNA expression in sections of the developing pancreas, E10.5- E15.5. Tbx2 (A) and Tbx3 (C) are expressed in the pancreatic mesenchyme at E10.5 but not in the epithelium (arrows), as indicated by Pdx1 expression (B, D) in adjacent sections. At E13.5, Tbx2 (E) is expressed in the mesenchyme around the epithelial branching network, as indicated by E-cadherin (F) in adjacent sections. Tbx3 (G) shows localized expression (arrowhead) in the mesenchyme at epithelial bifurcations, shown by E-cadherin in adjacent sections (H). At E15.5, Tbx2 (I) is expressed mostly in the mesenchyme (arrowhead), but is also present in epithelial cell clusters (arrows) which are positive for E-cadherin (J). Tbx3 (K) maintains localized expression in the mesenchyme (arrowhead) and is not present in the epithelium as indicated by E-cadherin in adjacent sections (L). A, E, I, C, G, K are section ISH on frozen sections counterstained with Nuclear Fast Red. B, F, J, D, H, L are section IHC counterstained with DAPI. Scale bar in D = 50μm (A-D); scale bar in H, L =20μm (E-L).