Tbx2 and Tbx3 RNA expression at E17.5. Tbx2 is expressed in mesenchyme (yellow arrowheads) surrounding E-cadherin-positive developing islets (A, B) and morphologically distinct islets (C, D, dotted line). Tbx2 is expressed in some epithelial ducts (arrows in E, F) but not all (arrows in A, B) and is expressed E-cadherin-negative blood vessels (white arrowheads in E, F). Tbx3 is expressed only in E-cadherin-negative mesenchyme (G, H). Section ISH was performed on frozen sections counterstained with Nuclear Fast Red (A, C, E, G). Adjacent sections stained with anti-E-cadherin (B, D, F, H). Scale bar in F =20μm (A-F); scale bar in H=50μm (G-H).