Protein blots derived from two developmental
series. A, Time course emphasizing the period between early full
expansion and middle senescence. Arabidopsis plants from a synchronous
population grown under continuous light were harvested over a period of
several days, and protein from the sixth true leaf was prepared.
Protein blots were examined with the indicated antibodies. The
photographs indicate the developmental stages of the leaves at each
time. DAG, Days after germination. B, The broader time course shown in
Figure 1A, left, examined with the indicated antibodies. Plants were
grown under a 16-h photoperiod, and protein and RNA from the sixth true
leaf was prepared. BCB is a known senescence-associated gene, ClpP is
the proteolytic subunit of the Clp protease, and Toc75 is a component
of the chloroplast import apparatus. Protein derived from equal volumes
of leaf tissue was loaded. exp, Expansion; sen, Senescence.