Fig. 4.
RT-PCR expression analyses of AdLys c-1 in developmental and tissue samples from An. dirus. The ribosomal protein S7 was used to normalize the samples. (A) Developmental: Eg=eggs, L1, L2, L3, L4= 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instar larvae respectively, P=pupae, F0=adult females on day of emergence, M0=adult males on day of emergence, F5=adult females 5 days after emergence, M5=adult males 5 days after emergence. (B) Larval tissue expression: Hd=head, Th=thorax, Ab=abdomen, Mg=midgut, Sg=salivary gland, Fb=fat body (abdominal body wall), Mt=malpighian tubules, Hg=Hindgut, Ce=Caecum. (C) Tissue expression in adult: Hd=head, Th=thorax, Ab=abdomen, Mg=midgut, Sg=salivary gland, Fb=fat body (abdomal body wall), Mt=malpighian tubules, Ov=ovary OvB=ovary post blood feeding.