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. 2011 Feb 15;8:10. doi: 10.4314/pamj.v8i1.71057

Table 1: Sample characteristics of the included adolescents with sickle cell disease (SCD) and their comparable healthy adolescents.

Adolescents with Adolescents Total (N=382)
Characteristics SCD (N=180) without SCD No (%) P valuea
No (%) (N=202)
No (%)
Age groups (years)
14-15 68(37.8) 53(26.2) 121(31.7) 0.183
16-17 71(39.4) 81(40.1) 152(39.8)
18 57(31.7) 68(33.7) 125(32.7)
Urban 132(73.3) 158(78.2) 290(75.9) 0.265
Rural 48(26.7) 44(21.8) 92(24.1)
Educational status
Primary 27(15.0) 4(2.0) 31(8.1) 0.008†
preparatory 81(45.0) 39(19.3) 120(31.4)
Secondary 72(40.0) 159(78.7) 231(60.5)
Father educational status
< Secondary 101(56.1) 94(46.5) 195(51.0) 0.0480
Secondary or higher 78(43.9) 108(53.5) 186(49.0)
Mother educational status
< Secondary 106(58.9) 109(54.0) 215(56.3) 0.332
Secondary or higher 74(41.1) 93(46.0) 167(43.7)
Family income in Riyals
< 2500 26(14.4) 28(13.9) 54(14.1) 0.395
2500- < 6000 97(53.9) 96(47.5) 193(50.5)
≥ 6000 57(31.7) 78(38.6) 135(35.3)
Hb SS 146(81.1) - -
Sickle-β+ Thalasemia 26(14.4) - -
Sickle-β0 Thalasemia 5(2.8) - -
Hb SC 3(1.7) - -
Disease-related complications
Vaso-occulsive 29(43.3) - -
Infections 24(35.8) - -
Acute chest syndrome 3(4.4) - -
Brain infarction 6(9.0) - -
Cholethiasis 5(7.5) - -
More than one complication 27(40.3) - -
Painful crisis in the last month 46(25.5) - -
Emergency admission last year 46(25.5) - -

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