Detection of tissue-specific TPE4A
expression by in situ hybridization. A through J, Cross-sections of
senescent pea ovaries (d 4 after anthesis) hybridized with the
TPE4A antisense riboprobe (A, C, E, G, and I) and the
sense control probe (B, D, F, H, and J). C and D, Ovule and surrounding
area of the sections shown in A and B at higher magnification; G, H, I,
and J, other parts of the same sections. E and F, Detail of the ovule
and surrounding endocarp area of different sections. K and L,
Cross-section of the ovule and surrounding endocarp area of developing
pea fruits (GA3-treated ovaries on d 4 after anthesis)
hybridized with the TPE4A antisense riboprobe (K) and
the sense control probe (L). Hybridization is indicated by the dark
staining in the endocarp (e) area surrounding the ovule (o) and, at
lower levels, in the outer cell layers of the ovule in senescent
ovaries. m, Mesocarp; ex, exocarp.