Fig. 3. Effects of HMGB1 on object memory encoding in TLR4-/- and RAGE-/- mice.
HMGB1 or saline were injected in TLR4-/- and RAGE-/- mice (n=9 each group) 20 min before familiarization phase and their preference for the novel vs familiar object was assessed 24 h later. HMGB1 significantly impaired memory encoding as shown by decreased novel object preference index in mice of both genotypes. *p<0.05 HMGB1 vs. Saline (Two-Way ANOVA+Bonferroni post hoc test). Treatment/genotype interaction F=0.04, DFn=2 DFd=48, p>0.1; effects of treatment F=127.46, DFn=1 DFd= 48, p<0.001; effects of genotype F=0.6. DFn=1 DFd=48 , p>0.1. Total exploration time did not change. Data are presented as mean±SEM.