Fig. 4. Effect of combined administration of LPS-RS and HMGB1 on object memory encoding in WT and RAGE-/- mice.
WT and RAGE-/- mice were injected with saline, HMGB1, LPS-RS or their combination, 20 min before familiarization and the novel object preference index was measured 24 h later. In both saline-treated WT and RAGE-/- mice, treatment with saline/HMGB1 combination led to a significant decrease in novel object preference index. LPS-Rs alone had no effect on memory in WT or RAGE -/- mice, and it did not affect the detrimental effects of HMGB1 on memory in WT mice; differently, LPS-Rs reversed memory deficit induced by HMGB1 in RAGE -/- mice. *p<0.05 vs. Saline/saline; † p<0.05 vs. Saline/HMGB1 (Two-way ANOVA + Bonferroni post hoc test). Two-way ANOVA LPS-RS - HMGB1 interaction. WT: F=0.0. DFn=1 DFd=19, p>0.05. Effects of LPS-RS: F=2.86. DFn=1 DFd=19, p>0.05; effects of HMGB1: F=90.63. DFn=1 DFd=19, p<0.05. RAGE-/- : F=11.65. DFn=1 DFd=19, p<0.05. Effects of LPS-RS: F=51.28, DFn=1 DFd=19, p<0.05; effects of HMGB1: F=32.06. DFn=1 DFd=19, p<0.05. Data are presented as mean±SEM.