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. 2011 Oct 23;2011:282503. doi: 10.1155/2011/282503

Table 4.

Summary of Peyronie's disease symptoms in participants with symptoms, treatment, or diagnosis (n = 283).

Statistic or category Participants (n = 283) (n, %*)
Lump or bump under skin of penis Yes 60 (21)
No 222 (79)
Missing 1

Unusual firmness or hardened tissue under skin of penis Yes 69 (21)
No 210 (79)
Missing 4

Lump/bump, firmness, or hardened tissue affect the shape of penis (if yes to either 1 of the above 2 symptoms, n = 87) Yes 48 (37)
No 39 (63)

Significant bend or curve compared to a younger age (erect penis) Yes 177 (59)
No 106 (41)

First penis-related symptom noticed Lump or bump under the skin 24 (11)
Area of unusual firmness or hardened tissue under the skin 13 (4)
Significant bend or curve not previously noticed 95 (32)
Indentation on 1 or both sides 7 (2)
Noticeable narrowing of the penis (hourglass or bandlike) 4 (2)
Hinge-like folding of penis during sexual intercourse 7 (3)
Shortening of penis 20 (10)
Head of penis less hard 26 (12)
Painful erections 4 (<1)
Pain during sexual intercourse 5 (2)
Erections not hard enough for sexual intercourse 51 (20)
Other 8 (3)
Missing 19

*Percentages are weighted averages of the stratum-specific estimates.