Austria |
20 voting members:
3 academics
10 from sickness funds
2 from physicians associations
2 from economic chamber
2 from federal chamber of labour
1 from Austrian chamber of pharmacists
Manufacturer submits application for reimbursement to Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions
Internal staff (Department of Pharmaceutical Affairs) prepare evaluation of application (pharmacological and therapeutic) based on evidence presented in application, and assigns pharmaceutical to 1 of 6 categories of therapeutic value – pharmaceuticals classified into categories 5 or 6 can request price above average European Union price
Health economics team evaluates cost effectiveness of pharmaceutical relative to comparable alternatives
Pharmaceutical Evaluation Board deliberates over both evaluation reports and prepares report
Pharmaceutical Evaluation Board sends report to manufacturer for comment
Pharmaceutical Evaluation Board prepares reimbursement recommendation, taking into account responses received from manufacturer
Deputy director of Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions reviews recommendations and makes final decision21,56,58
180 days (includes pricing and reimbursement decision)58
Belgium |
31 members (23 voting including chair):
2 from pharmaceutical industry
1 from generic pharmaceutical industry
4 from Ministries of Public Health, Social Affairs, and Economic Affairs, and Federal
Public Service Budget
1 from National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance62
Manufacturer submits application for reimbursement to Secretariat of Drug Reimbursement Committee Includes incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) if Class I claim (added therapeutic value compared to existing alternatives) and simultaneously submits pricing dossier to Federal Public Service economy
Brief overview report of product characteristics prepared
Staff within Bureau of Drug Reimbursement Committee, supported by experts, prepare evaluation of pharmaceutical’s safety, efficacy, effectiveness, applicability, and convenience based on evidence submitted by manufacturer; pricing commission simultaneously examines pricing dossier, determines maximum price, and notifies manufacturer
Drug Reimbursement Committee discusses and approves evaluation report
Drug Reimbursement Committee sends report to manufacturer
Staff prepare draft recommendations, taking into account evaluation report, price from manufacturer, and responses received from manufacturer
Drug Reimbursement Committee discusses and approves (by 2/3 majority vote) draft recommendations
Drug Reimbursement Committee sends draft recommendations to manufacturer, who must reply within 10 days; manufacturer may request a hearing
Drug Reimbursement Committee prepares final recommendations, taking into account responses received from manufacturer
Minister receives recommendations, seeks advice from Minister of Budget and financial administration, and makes final decision9,17,21,62,175
150 days (includes pricing and reimbursement)21
Czech Republic |
No information found |
Manufacturer submits application for reimbursement to State Institute for Drug Control
Internal staff (Department for Price and Reimbursement Regulation) consult with medical experts, health economists, and patient groups, and prepare evaluation report; assess safety, efficacy, and clinical use first, and then financial aspects
State Institute for Drug Control makes decision on price and level of reimbursement, based on evaluation report176–180
75 days (includes pricing and reimbursement decision) |
Denmark |
Danish Medicines Agency (decisions)68,69,121
Reimbursement Committee (recommendations)68,121
Maximum of 7 members: Must include:
Manufacturer submits application for reimbursement to Danish Medicines Agency
Internal staff, supported by external experts (if necessary) prepare evaluation report based on evidence submitted by manufacturer; clinical effect and safety profile compared to already reimbursed pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical products for same indication
Danish Medicines Agency simultaneously prepares price survey
Health economics expert(s) evaluate(s) economic analysis, if submitted
Reimbursement Committee reviews evaluation report, price survey, and review of economic analysis and makes reimbursement recommendation to Danish Medicines Agency
If negative, Danish Medicines Agency sends draft recommendations to manufacturer
Danish Medicines Agency Board makes final decision 21,68,69
90 days after receipt of “adequate application”38
Estonia |
No information found |
No information found |
No information found |
No information found |
No information found |
Finland |
Pharmaceuticals Pricing Board (decisions)73,74,76
Pharmaceuticals Pricing Board Expert Group (recommendations)75
7 members of Pharmaceuticals Pricing Board:
2 from Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
2 from Social Insurance Institution (Kela)
1 from Ministry of Finance
1 from National Agency for Medicines
1 from National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health
7 members of Expert Group:
Includes individuals with medical, pharmacological, health economics, and social insurance expertise75,181
Manufacturer submits application for reimbursement to Pharmaceuticals Pricing Board secretariat
Internal staff, with support from Expert Group, prepare evaluation report based on evidence submitted by manufacturer
Expert Group reviews report and formulates opinions
Pharmaceuticals Pricing Board Secretariat presents summary of report and opinions, along with written statement regarding the potential impact of the pharmaceutical on its budget provided by Kela, to Pharmaceuticals Pricing Board
Pharmaceuticals Pricing Board formulates recommendations
If negative, Pharmaceuticals Pricing Board sends recommendations to manufacturer, who may choose to lower price or provide additional evidence
Pharmaceuticals Pricing Board makes final decision74,122,181,182
180 days (includes pricing and reimbursement decision)181
France |
Ministry for Health and Social Security (decisions)20,78
French National Authority for Health (recommendations)78
Transparency Committee within French National Authority for Health: 20 voting members (includes chair):
4 from “public institutions”
3 from main health insurance fund
1 from pharmaceutical industry
12 with medical and pharmacological expertise78,184
7 Specialist subcommittees of clinical experts |
Single technology appraisals
Manufacturer submits application for reimbursement to French National Authority for Health secretariat
Internal staff prepare evaluation report based on evidence submitted by manufacturer (focuses on clinical effectiveness, target population, conditions of use, and already reimbursed technologies)
External clinical and methodological experts review evaluation report
Commission d’Evaluation des Medicaments reviews evaluation report and expert opinions to appraise the “medical benefit” of the pharmaceutical (on a 5 point scale; I – major to V – insufficient to justify reimbursement)
Minister makes final decision on the medical benefit level/score
Commission d’Evaluation des Medicaments then performs comparative assessment of pharmaceutical with already reimbursed alternatives to appraise the “improvement in medical benefit” (on a 6 point scale; 1 – major innovation to VI – negative opinion regarding inclusion on benefit list)
Transparency Commission considers advice received from Commission d’Evaluation des Medicaments and assigns an “improvement in medical benefit” classification to the pharmaceutical
Once positive reimbursement recommendation is received, the Comite Economique des produits de Sante = negotiates price with manufacturer and the Union Nationale des Caisses d’Assurance Maladie fixes the reimbursement rate
Minister for Health and Social Security makes final decision on reimbursement level and price16,20–23
Multiple technology appraisals
French National Authority for Health approves technology topic for multiple technology appraisals
French National Authority for Health conducts consultations with relevant stakeholders and the Interdisciplinary Economic Evaluation and Public Health Committee to define scope and protocol for multiple technology appraisals
Internal staff and/or independent academic group prepares assessment report (includes clinical review and economic analysis)
Interdisciplinary Economic Evaluation and Public Health Committee and external experts review assessment report
Stakeholders receive assessment report for comment
Stakeholders also consulted through working group meetings
Appropriate health technology assessment specialist subcommittee appraises report and comments and formulates recommendations
French National Authority for Health Board reviews and approves recommendations21,185
May appeal recommendation to French National Authority for Health, requesting a hearing or providing written comments
Once decision has been made, may appeal to administrative court20
Germany |
13 members including representatives from:
Associations of physicians, dentists, and physiotherapists
Hospital associations
Sickness funds
Patient organizations (nonvoting)18,19
Federal Joint Committee makes decision to assess technology and notifies Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care
Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care appoints internal staff to manage and/or conduct assessment
Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care carries out consultations with external clinical experts and patient/carer organizations to define assessment scope and protocol
Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care posts draft scope and protocol on website for public comment
Internal staff, supported by external experts, prepare assessment, first considering clinical benefit or innovativeness (ie, is the first active ingredient or offers therapeutic improvement); if deemed noninnovative, technology is assigned to 1 of 3 groups (1: identical active ingredient; 2: therapeutically comparable and one active ingredient; 3: therapeutically comparable and two active ingredients); technologies with similar efficacy/effectiveness must demonstrate comparable efficiency through findings from efficiency frontier analysis119; if deemed innovative (ie, offers added therapeutic value over already reimbursed alternatives), “cost-benefit” analysis is performed to set maximum reimbursable amount; if technology treats life-threatening condition for which there are no alternatives, cost must not be considered18,19
Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care steering committee reviews draft report and recommendations for quality assurance
Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care posts draft report and recommendations on website for public comment
Staff prepare final report, incorporating comments received and recommendations, and submit it to the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care steering committee for final quality assurance review and then to the Board for final approval
Board sends recommendations to Federal Joint Committee, who makes final decision19,24,124,144
No information found |
Greece |
7 members including representatives from:
Manufacturer submits application for reimbursement to Transparency Committee in the Reimbursement and Medicinal Products
Transparency Committee in the Reimbursement and Medicinal Products recommends classification of pharmaceutical into pre-existing therapeutic category based on “therapeutic and pharmacoeconomic effectiveness”
Transparency Committee in the Reimbursement and Medicinal Products sends classification recommendation to Ministry of Health and Social Security for approval
Price set taking into account products already included in assigned category or average of the 3 lowest European prices186
No information found |
90 days (includes pricing and reimbursement decision)186
No information found |
Hungary |
Ministers of Health and Finance
National Health Insurance Fund Administration Technology Appraisal Committee (recommendations)88,89
Technology Appraisal Committee: includes members delegated by stakeholder groups102
Manufacturer submits application for reimbursement to Transparency Secretariat of National Health Insurance Fund Administration (pharmaceutical division)
Transparency Secretariat registers and checks application for completeness and then determines whether application should undergo simplified procedure or normal procedure; normal procedure applies to new agents, indications, routes of administration, and combinations
National Health Insurance Fund Administration Department of Pharmaceuticals prepares a preliminary evaluation
If application is assigned to normal procedure, Transparency Secretariat transfers it to Technology Assessment Office of the National Institute for Strategic Health Research
Assessment Office prepares assessment report comprising a systematic review of clinical evidence and economic analysis
Technology Appraisal Committee deliberates over report, preliminary evaluation of pharmaceutical department, and advice from professional colleges, and formulates a recommendation
Director of pharmaceutical division approves recommendation and forwards it to the Ministers of Health and Finance90,102,187
No information found |
No information found |
Decision may be appealed to Appeals Committee Includes representatives from:
Ireland |
No information found |
1. Products Committee of Health Service Executive selects technology for assessment OR manufacturer submits application for reimbursement to Health Service Executive
2a. If Products Committee selects technology, Health Service Executive notifies manufacturer of referral to National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics
2b. If manufacturer submits application, staff prepare preliminary evaluation report based on evidence from manufacturer
3a. Staff within National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics appointed to comprise review group
3b. Products Committee reviews evaluation report and decides whether to refer technology to National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics for formal pharmacoeconomic evaluation or recommend reimbursement
4a. Review group meets with manufacturer to determine scope and requirements for evaluation
4b. If referred, National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics conducts pharmacoeconomic evaluation
5a. Manufacturer prepares pharmacoeconomic submission, which includes cost-effectiveness and budget impact analyses
5b. National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics sends pharmacoeconomic evaluation to manufacturer for comment
6a. Review group prepares evaluation report based on manufacturer’s submission
6b. National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics prepares final pharmacoeconomic evaluation, incorporating manufacturer’s comments
7a. National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics sends report to manufacturer for comment
7b. National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics sends evaluation to Products Committee, who makes reimbursement decision
8a. Review group prepares final evaluation report, incorporating manufacturer’s comments
9a. National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics sends report to Products Committee, who makes reimbursement decision91,93,125,147
No fixed threshold, but €45,000/QALY used as a guide91,125,165
90 days (for reimbursement decision)93
Decision may be appealed to designated expert committee91
Italy |
Technical Scientific Committee: Includes 17 members:
Manufacturer submits application for reimbursement to Italian Medicines Agency
Technical Scientific Committee reviews submission and formulates advice on clinical value, assigning it to one of three reimbursement classes: A – fully reimbursable – essential products and those intended for chronic diseases; H – Fully reimbursable in hospitals; and C – non-reimbursable. Pharmaceuticals in classes A and H are further assigned to one of three classes: I – treatments for serious diseases; II – treatments to reduce or eliminate risk of serious diseases; and III – treatments for non-serious diseases
Technical Scientific Committee then assesses the degree of innovation offered by the technology, considering 2 factors: 1) availability of existing treatments and 2) extent of therapeutic benefit; scores on each factor are combined to determine if pharmaceutical represents “important,” “moderate,” or “modest therapeutic innovation”
Submission and Technical Scientific Committee evaluation are sent to Pricing and Reimbursement Committee
Pricing and Reimbursement Committee reviews advice and contacts manufacturer to negotiate reimbursement status and price
Pricing and Reimbursement Committee submits report containing negotiation outcomes to Technical Scientific Committee, who makes final decision 26,27,126
180 days (includes pricing and reimbursement decision)188
No information found |
Norway |
Norwegian Medicines Agency (recommendations/decisions)34,98
Ministry of Health and Care Services (recommendations/decisions)
Department of Pharmacoeconomics (recommendations)98
No information found |
Process depends on anticipated budget impact of pharmaceutical: If <5 million Krone/year:
Manufacturer submits application for reimbursement to Norwegian Medicines Agency
Norwegian Medicines Agency Department of Pharmacoeconomics staff prepare evaluation report based on evidence submitted by manufacturer
Norwegian Medicines Agency reviews evaluation report and makes reimbursement decision If > 5 million Krone/year:
Manufacturer submits application for reimbursement to Norwegian Medicines Agency
Norwegian Medicines Agency Department of Pharmacoeconomics staff prepare evaluation report based on evidence submitted by manufacturer
Norwegian Medicines Agency reviews evaluation report and consults with National Advisory Committee for Drug Reimbursement
Norwegian Medicines Agency sends evaluation report to Ministry of Health and Care Services
Ministry consults with National Council for Health Care Priorities to determine whether pharmaceutical would be viewed as” money well spent”
Ministry formulates recommendation; if positive, it is sent to Parliament for approval34,98,189
180 days (includes pricing and reimbursement decision)34
No information found |
Poland |
Consultative Council: 12 voting members including representatives from:
Ministry of Health (7)
Polish Chamber of Physicians (1)
Chief Pharmaceutical Council (1)
Supreme Council of Nurses and Midwives
National Health Fund127
Drug Management Team: Includes representatives of:
Manufacturer submits application for reimbursement to Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health sends application to the Agency for Health Technology Assessment
Agency for Health Technology Assessment staff prepare evaluation report based on evidence from the submission and information received from invited experts
Agency for Health Technology Assessment Consultative Council meets to review report, hear from experts, and formulate recommendations
Director of Agency for Health Technology Assessment issues reimbursement recommendation to Minister of Health
Drug Management Team within Ministry of Health negotiates maximum reimbursement price
Ministry of Health makes final decision on reimbursement and price100,127,190
No information found |
180 days (includes pricing and reimbursement decision)100
Portugal |
No information found |
Manufacturer submits application for reimbursement to INFARMED following approval of maximum price by Directorate General of Economic Activities
External experts prepare evaluation report based on evidence submitted by manufacturer (includes pharmacotherapeutic and pharmacoeconomic information demonstrating added therapeutic value and proposed reimbursement price) and assigns “grade” of innovation and added therapeutic value (compared to already reimbursed alternatives)
Economists analyze pharmacotherapeutic information from manufacturer to determine “economic advantage”; if pharmaceutical offers added therapeutic value or treats a condition for which there are no alternative therapies, economic advantage should be demonstrated through formal
Using findings from both reports, INFARMED formulates reimbursement recommendation
If negative, INFARMED contacts manufacturer, who may present additional information
INFARMED submits recommendations to Minister, who makes final decision36,101,191
No information found |
90 days (includes pricing and reimbursement decision)36
Scotland |
No information found |
Manufacturer submits application for reimbursement to Scottish Medicines Consortium
Internal staff (“assessment team”), supported by clinical and economic experts, prepare evaluation report based on evidence submitted by manufacturer
New Drugs Committee reviews report and prepares draft recommendations for the Scottish Medicines Consortium
New Drugs Committee also sends draft recommendations to manufacturer for comment
Manufacturer sends comments to Scottish Medicines Consortium, which also considers submissions received from patient interest groups
Scottish Medicines Consortium formulates final recommendations and forwards them to the National Health Service Boards, Area Drug and Therapeutics Committees, manufacturer, and competitor(s)30,128
No fixed threshold, but range of £20,000–£30,000/QALY used as a guide30
No information found |
Decisions may be appealed on process-related and scientific grounds
For process-related appeals: Manufacturer contacts Scottish Medicines Consortium secretariat, Chair, or New Drugs Committee to resolve issues through discussion
For scientific disputes: May resubmit or convene independent panel appointed by Scottish Medicines Consortium
Slovakia |
Ministry of Health (decisions)
Reimbursement Committee for Medicinal Products (recommendations)105,107
Reimbursement Committee: Includes 11 members representing:
Manufacturer submits application for reimbursement, including proposed maximum retail price, to Ministry of Health
Staff evaluate pharmaceutical using evidence from manufacturer to determine where its ICER lies in the accepted ICER threshold range
One of 22 specialist working groups then evaluates the pharmaceutical according to its anatomic and therapeutic classification
A separate working group evaluates pharmacoeconomic data
Evaluations from both working groups are forwarded to the Reimbursement Committee
The Reimbursement Committee reviews the reports and formulates a reimbursement decision102,106,107,131,169
No fixed threshold, but range of €20,000–€26,500/QALY used as a guide105
No information found |
Spain |
Inter-Ministerial Pricing Commission: Includes representatives from:
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Economy
Ministry of Industry132
Ministry of Health initiates reimbursement decision-making process upon receipt of notice of market approval for new pharmaceutical
Ministry of Health invites manufacturer to provide all relevant information to Inter-Ministerial Pricing Commission
Internal staff of Ministry of Health prepare evaluation report
Inter-Ministerial Pricing Commission reviews report and makes reimbursement and pricing decision108,132
180 days (includes pricing and reimbursement decision)132
No information found |
Sweden |
Expert Board: Includes 11 members and a chair:
Manufacturer submits application for reimbursement
Internal staff (executive officer, health economist, and legal expert) review submission to determine if application contains sufficient evidence
Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Board sends copy of application to Pharmaceutical Benefits Group for County Councils for review
Internal staff prepare evaluation report and draft recommendations in the form of a “memorandum”
Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Board sends copy of memorandum to manufacturer for review
Manufacturer may request a meeting with the Board, during which it can present case, dispute arguments which form the basis of recommendations, and refute factual errors
Meeting of Expert Board held – memorandum, manufacturer’s comments, and any feedback received from the Pharmaceutical Benefits Group are reviewed; external experts may be invited to participate in deliberations;
Expert Board makes final reimbursement decision33,192
No fixed threshold, but €45,000/QALY used as a guide35
180 days (includes pricing and reimbursement decision)192
Decision may be appealed on procedurals grounds only15,33,192
Board may reconsider decision before appeal is heard by administrative court192
Switzerland |
Federal Drug Commission: Includes 25 voting members representing:
Manufacturer submits application for reimbursement
Federal Drug Commission reviews application and makes a classification recommendation: pharmaceutical may be classified into one of five categories of relative effectiveness:
Federal Office of Public Health makes final decision, based on Federal Drug Commission’s recommendation, assessment by Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products for market authorization and internal and external price referencing
If Federal Office of Public Health plans to make a negative decision, the manufacturer is informed prior to issuing the final decision; manufacturer may apply for re-evaluation on the basis of price adjustments or availability of additional data114
No information found |
No information found |
The Netherlands |
Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (decisions)
Dutch Healthcare Insurance Board Committee (CHF) (recommendations)26
Committee of the Dutch Healthcare Insurance Board: Includes:
A maximum of 24 members with expertise in various medical disciplines, health sciences and economics
2–3 nonvoting members from the Ministry21,117
For outpatient pharmaceuticals:
Manufacturer submits application for reimbursement to Minister of Health
Internal staff prepare evaluation, which includes 4 draft reports (summary, pharmacotherapeutic, pharmacoeconomic, and budget impact assessments based on evidence from manufacturer, as well as independently conducted literature review); if deemed necessary, staff may consult with manufacturer, external experts, and stakeholders
CHF reviews report and consults with manufacturer and other stakeholders
Staff revise report, incorporating results of CHF deliberations and comments from manufacturer and other stakeholders
Dutch Healthcare Insurance Board sends revised report to manufacturer and stakeholders for comment
CHF meets to discuss revised report and comments received and prepare final advice
Dutch Healthcare Insurance Board board of directors receives final report, which is also sent to manufacturer and stakeholders appointed by Dutch Healthcare Insurance Board for comment
Dutch Healthcare Insurance Board board of directors meet to discuss final report and comments received and formulate recommendations; may consult with the Appraisal Committee
Alternatively, Steps 7 and 8 may be skipped, with the Board chair drafting a recommendation
Dutch Healthcare Insurance Board sends final recommendations to the Minister of Healthcare, Welfare, and Sport
Minister makes final reimbursement decision, which includes classifying the pharmaceutical into one of three categories:
Annex 1A – Therapeutic equivalent value;
Annex 1B – Therapeutic added value; and
Annex 2 – Conditional reimbursement
For high-cost inpatient pharmaceuticals:
Dutch Federation of University Hospitals, Dutch Hospitals Association, Medical Specialists Association, and Dutch Health Insurance Organization may submit reimbursement application (in the form of additional funding) for high cost inpatient pharmaceuticals
Dutch Healthcare Insurance Board prepares evaluation report, which includes evidence on therapeutic value, projected budget impact, and plan for collecting pharmacoeconomic information in daily practice, and formulates recommendations (process similar to that described above)
Dutch Healthcare Insurance Board sends final report and recommendations to the Dutch Healthcare Authority
Dutch Healthcare Authority formulates recommendation on whether pharmaceutical should be provisionally added to the Expensive Drug List
Minister of Health, Welfare, and Sport makes final decision21,31,49,116,117,193
No fixed threshold, but €20,000/QALY used as a guide 31
United Kingdom |
Academics (eg, health economists)
Health care providers in National Health Service
Representatives from patient and carer organizations
Single technology appraisal
Topics selection panel selects technology for review
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence invites stakeholders (ie, consultees and commentators (cannot make a submission or appeal recommendation)) to participate
Nonmanufacturer consultees invited to nominate clinical and/or patient experts to take part in Technology Appraisals Committee meetings
Manufacturer completes evidence submission (assessment)
Independent academic group commissioned to review submission, along with information received from consultees and nominated experts, and prepare evaluation report
Technology Appraisals Committee meets to review evaluation report and hear from nominated clinical and patient experts
Technology Appraisals Committee formulates draft recommendations, which are presented in appraisal consultation document
Appraisal consultation document made available to stakeholders for comment
Technology Appraisals Committee meets to consider comments and formulate final recommendations (final appraisal determination)
Technology Appraisals Committee submits final recommendations to Guidance Executive
Guidance Executive makes final reimbursement decision29,194,195
Multiple technology appraisal Same as single technology appraisal process except: 1) Formal scoping process to develop review protocol is required; 2) Independent academic group conducts assessment (rather than the manufacturer); 3) Independent academic group attends Technology Appraisals Committee meetings13
No fixed threshold, but range of £20,000–£30,000/QALY used as a guide37,196,197
Single technology appraisal approximately 39 weeks29
Final recommendations may be appealed on procedural grounds only
Appeals may only be initiated by consultees identified at the beginning of the assessment and who are not representing National Health Service trusts or local boards
Appeal is heard by Appeals Panel appointed by National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence board39
Wales |
Manufacturer submits application for reimbursement (“Form A”) to All Wales Medicines Strategy Group
All Wales Medicines Strategy Group determines whether application requires full appraisal; if yes, manufacturer must submit “Form B”
All Wales Medicines Strategy Group identifies and invites clinical experts and patient organizations to submit written statements
Internal staff prepare evaluation report, which includes Form A, Form B, and additional relevant information
Report sent to manufacturer for comment
All Wales Medicines Strategy Group New Medicines Group meets to review evaluation report and comments received and formulate draft recommendations
Staff prepare final report and draft recommendations (ie, preliminary appraisal), which is sent to manufacturer and posted on website
New Medicines Group meets to deliberate over final report, recommendations, and manufacturer’s response
New Medicines Group formulates final recommendation, which is included in final appraisal
Minister makes reimbursement decision, based on final appraisal from New Medicines Group28,120
No fixed threshold, £20,000/QALY used as a guide28
No information found |
Decisions may be appealed on process-related and scientific grounds
For process-related appeals: Appeals submitted to Welsh Medicines Partnership, who discusses case with All Wales Medicines Strategy Group Chair and senior staff
For scientific disputes: Independent review process initiated198