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. 2007 Sep;9(3):257–272. doi: 10.31887/DCNS.2007.9.3/uschibler

Table I. Isolation of mammalian circadian clock genes and mutant phenotypes. Mammalian circadian clock genes have been identified and isolated using various approaches. Their protein products function in the following transcriptional and post-translational mechanisms: CRY1, 2, PER1, 2, DEC1, 2, REV-ERBα, β, γ act as transcriptional repressors. CLOCK, NPA52, BMAL1, and RORα , β, γ are transcriptional activators. CK, δ, ε, and GSK3β are protein kinases. FBXL3 is a substrate recognition protein of an ubiquitin ligase complex. EZH2 is a member of the polycomb protein family, which probably keeps chromatin regions in a transcription-poised state. NONO is an RNA-DNA-binding protein which attenuates the action of PER proteins through yet unidentified mechanisms. CIPC has no recognizable functional peptide motif. period length; nd, not determined; DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid; RNA, ribonucleic acid.

Approach Gene Phenotype (wheel running) References
Genomics Period 1 (Per1) KO: τ shorter to arrhythmic 21-23
Period 2 (Per2) KO: τ shorter to arrhythmic 21, 23
Per1/Per2 KO arrhythmic 21, 23
Cryptochrome 1 (Cry1) KO: τ shorter 24, 25
Cryptochrome 2 (Cry2) KO: τ longer 24, 25
Cry1/Cry2 KO: arrhythmic 24, 25
Casein kinase 1δ (Ck1δ nd 26
Casein kinase 1ε (Ck1ε) (see Tau mutation, below) 26
Npas2 KO: mild circadian phenotypes 27
Npas2/Clock KO: arrhythmic 28
ENU screen Clock Antimorph: τ longer to arrhythmic 29
Overtime (FbxI3Ovtm) Hypomorph or null: τ longer 30-32
Spontaneous mutation Tau (Ck1ε, hamster) Hypomorph: τ shorter 33
Yeast-two-hybrid assay Bmal1 KO arrhythmic 34, 35
Cipc nd (but depletion in fibroblasts shortens τ)
Protein-DNA interactions Rev-erbα KO: τ shorter 36, 37
Rorα nd (also identified in a screen for as Bmal1 activators) 38, 39
Rorβ KO: τ longer 40, 41
Rorγ nd (also identified in a screen for as Email activators) 39, 42
Protein-protein Nono nd (but required for clock function in fibroblasts) 43
Interactions with Mper1
CLOCK-BMAL1 Ezh2 nd (but required for clock function in fibroblasts) 44
REV-ERB Gsk3β nd (but required for normal clock function in fibroblasts) 45