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. 2007 Dec;9(4):431–445. doi: 10.31887/DCNS.2007.9.4/tgardner

Table I. Pharmacotherapeutic options for substances of abuse.

Drug Medication Dose Mechanism of action Special considerations References
Nicotine Transdermal patch* 11-22 mg 16- or 24 h delivery 6- to 12-week duration w/ taper Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) Available over-the-counter (OTC) 5,8-12
Polacrilex gum* 2 or 4 mg 1 pc/1-2 h 6-to 12-week duration w/ taper NRT OTC Avoid acidic beverages 6,8,14
Lozenge* 2 or 4 mg 6 to 12 week duration w/ taper NRT OTC Do not chew, avoid acidic beverages 6,8,13
Inhaler* 1 mg/admin Each nostril Q 1-2 h 8-40 doses/day 8 weeks w/ taper wks 9-14 NRT Rapid delivery of nicotine, therefore some potential for abuse liability 20,21
Nasal spray* 0.013 mg nicotine/ puff 10 mg nicotine/ cartridge for 20 min of puffing 6-16 cartridges/day 12 weeks NRT Rapid delivery of nicotine, therefore some potential for abuse liability 25,26
Bupropion* 150 mg/day (7 d prior to quit date) 300 mg/day after 3-4 days Antidepressant 2nd line: recommended to start prior to quit date; can be used in conjunction with NRT 21,37
Nortryptylene 25 mg TID-QID Antidepressant 2nd line; toxicity in overdose amounts 39,40
Clonidine 0.1-0.3 mg/24-h ES patch 0.1-1.3 mg tablet Antihypertensive 2nd line 41-43
Selegiline 5 mg BID cap 6-12 mg/24-h patch Antihypertensive; MAO-B inhibitor 2nd line 44-45
Varenicline* Titrate: 0.5 mg daily to 1 mg BID Partial agonist 46
NicVAX ** Nicotine vaccine Phase II clinical trials 48
CYT002-NicOb ** Nicotine vaccine Phase fib/Ill trial planned 49,51
TA-NIC ** Nicotine vaccine Phase II 50
Alcohol Chlordiazepoxide* 50-100 mg IM/IV (may repeat in 2-4 h) Benzodiazepine Acute withdrawal 54-55
Clonazepam* 0,25 mg bid (max 4 mg/day) Benzodiazepine Acute withdrawal 54-55
Diazepam* 10 mg IM/IV, then 5-10 mg in 3-4 h prn Benzodiazepine Acute withdrawal 54-55
Oxazepam* 15-30 mg TID-QID Benzodiazepine Acute withdrawal 54-55
Lorazepam* 0.05 mg/kg IM 2 mg or 0.044 mg/kg IV2-3 mg BID tab Benzodiazepine Acute withdrawal 54-55
Carbamazepine 200 mg BID (Max 1200 mg/day) Anticonvulsant; antiepileptic Acute withdrawal, widely used 56-59
Valproate 15 mg kg/day (Max. 80 mg/kg/day) Anticonvulsant Acute withdrawal 6
Disulfiram* 250 mg/day (125 to 500 mg/day) Alcohol-sensitizing agent - inhibits enzymatic conversion of acetylaldehyde to acetic acid Relapse prevention and maintenance; subject should be motivated to quit 60,61
Naltrexone* 50 mg oral admin 12 weeks Extended release Q 4 wks Opioid receptor antagonist Relapse prevention and maintenance; mediates rewarding effects of alcohol 68-70
Acamprosate* 2g/3 x day (usual dose; 666 mg TID) Normalizes the dysregulation of NMDA-mediated glutaminergic excitation Relapse prevention and maintenance 76,77
Topiramate 25 mg BID (titrate weekly to 400 mg/day) Antiepileptic; GABA agonist Relapse prevention and maintenance 78
Buspirone 7.5 mg BID (titrate to 20-30 mg/day) Serotonin (5-HT)-1A agonist Relapse prevention and maintenance 80
Fluoxetine 6-25 mg/day 90 mg/week Selective serotonin uptake inhibitor (SSRI) Relapse prevention and maintenance 82,85,87
Citalopram 20 - 40 mg/day SSRI Relapse prevention and maintenance 83,84,86,88
Ondansetron 2 mg/mL, 32 mg/50 mL injection 4 mg/5 mL solution 4 - 24 mg tab 5-HT3 antagonist; prevention of nausea/vomiting Relapse prevention and maintenance 81
Cocaine Disulfiram (Antabuse) 250 mg/day Nonspecific enzyme inhibitor including aldehyde dehydrogenase and dopamine beta hydroxylase Good efficacy data in nonakoholics, relatively contraindicated in alcohol dependence with cocaine 92,93
Selegiline 5 mg BID cap 6-12 mg/24 h patch Antihypertensive; MAO-B inhibitor 37-99
Desipiramine 100-200 mg/day (max 300 mg/day) Antidepressant 6,100,101
Baclofen 40-80 mg/day GABA agonist Additive CNS effects w/ alcohol 109
Tiagabine 4 mg/day (may increase to max 56 mg/day) Anti-seizure; GABA agonist Additive CNS depression w/ alcohol 110,111
Topiramate 25 mg bid (titrate weekly to 400 mg/day) Antiepileptic/antiseizure; GABA agonist Potentiates CNS depression w/ alcohol; withdraw gradually 112
Vigabatrin ** GABA agonist 113
Carbamazepine 200 mg BID (Max 1200 mg/day) Anticonvulsant; Antiepileptic Inconsistent results from clinical trials 114,115
Buprenorphine 8 mg sublingual (liquid) 1 mg tablet 4:1 combination sublingual tablet w/ naloxone (Suboxone) Partial agonist at mu-opioid receptor Inconsistent results from clinical trials; low abuse potential 116,119
Amantadine 200 ing/day Dopamine & NMDA agonist inconsistent results from clinical trials; potential use in severe withdrawal 120-123
Modafinil 200 mg/day Wakefulness-promoting agent Low abuse potential; often used for many off-label indications 124,125
TA-CD ** Cocaine vaccine Phase II trials; must be motivated to quit 129-131
Opiates Methadone* 30-100 mg/daily (initial doses 15 to 20 mg/day) >100 mg/day in persistent heroin abuse or comorbid conditions mu-opioid agonist Gold standard for opioid maintenance treatment 138-144
Buprenorphine* 8 mg sublingual (liquid) 1 mg tablet 4:1 combination sublingual tablet w/ naloxone (Suboxone) Partial agonist at mu-opioid receptor & kappa antagonist Injection of suboxone could precipitate opiate withdrawal 147-152
Naltrexone 50 mg oral admin* Depot: extended release Nonspecific opioid antagonist Few side effects but monitor liver function; must be opiate free for 7 to 10 days prior to initiation 154-157