Figure 6.
Pre-mRNA production overshoot accelerates the response time of mRNAs. Genes that were transcriptionally induced by EGF stimulation of MCF10A cells (as described in legend to Figure 2) were grouped according to their mRNA half-lives (extracted from our measured expression profiles, as described in Materials and methods). Results are shown for three representative groups with half-lives between (A) 0–90 min (B) 90–240 min and (C) 240–480 min, respectively. The two columns on the left depict the percentage of genes, whose exons and introns peaked at the indicated time points, green for overshooting and brown for non-overshooting genes. The two columns on the right present the mean temporal expression FC profiles for exons and introns, for the overshooting (green) and non-overshooting (brown) genes. Note that within each group of genes with similar half-lives we observe earlier mRNA peak times for the genes with pre-mRNA production overshoot.