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. 2011 Jul 21;6(2):110–118. doi: 10.1111/j.1750-2659.2011.00276.x

Table 1.

 Hemagglutination‐inhibition titers (reciprocal geometric means) against four flu strains prior to infection by group of treatment. The flu strains 2, 3, and 4 were contained in the commercial vaccine

Group Strain
IA04* 012XP** 31XP*** 69XP
Control <10 <10 <10 13
Heterologous 14 305 232 485
Homologous 297 36 <10 <10

*Challenge strain A/Sw/0239/IA/04 H1N1 (IA04).

**A/Swine/North Carolina/031/05 H1N1 (012XP).

***A/Swine/Iowa/110600/00 H1N1 (31XP).

A/Swine/Missouri/069/05 H3N2 (69XP).