Figure 3. Ephrin-B3 tyrosine phosphorylation and PDZ binding are differentially required for dendrite morphogenesis and synaptic function.
(a) Point mutations in the Efnb3 gene that eliminate tyrosine phosphorylation and SH2 binding (3F and 5F), PDZ binding (ΔV), or both SH2 and PDZ binding (3FΔV). (b) Thy1-GFP-M fluorescence (green) was used to visualize the morphology of CA1 neurons at P12. Scale bar: 20 μm for left panels and 10 μm for right panels. (c, d, e, f) Quantification of primary dendrites (c), spine density (d), spine length (e) and spine head diameter (f) in WT, Efnb33F/3F, Efnb35F/5F, Efnb3ΔV/ΔV, and Efnb33FΔV/3FΔV mutants at P12 (n = 25 per group). Mean ± s.e.m, **, P < 0.01; *** P < 0.001.