Figure 8.
Integrative Analysis of Transient and Permanent Stem Cell Populations.
(A) and (B) Venn diagrams showing the distribution of unique and shared genes upregulated among scrm-D mute, CLV3, FIL, or WUS expressing cells (A) as well as among scrm-D mute and root tips zone1 and root tips (B).
(C) qRT-PCR analysis showing that SCZ, a known regulator of asymmetric cell division within a root meristem, is highly upreguated in scrm-D mute and downregulated in spch. Error bars represent the se (n = 3).
(D) and (E) Expression of SCZ promoter driving cyan fluorescent protein (CFP). SCZ promoter is active in stelar tissue within the root meristem (D) as well as in meristemoids (E). Bars = 10 μm in (D) and 20 μm in (E).