Figure 2.
Growth and Development of the Single and Double Knockouts of NHX1 and NHX2.
(A) Four-week-old plants grown under 16-h days (Top), and 5-week-old plants grown under 8-h days (Bottom).
(B) Cross section through the margin of a 4-week-old wild-type leaf (Top) and comparable nhx1 nhx2 knockout leaf (Bottom). Sections were stained with toluidine blue O.
(C) The nhx1 nhx2 growth phenotype was rescued by transformation with either 35S-NHX1-GFP or 35S-NHX2-YFP. The wild type and nhx1 nhx2 are included for comparison. Representative images of 4-week-old T1 transformants are shown.
(D) Inflorescence stalks of wild-type, nhx1, nhx2, and nhx1 nhx2 plants. Note the lack of siliques in nhx1 nhx2 (arrows).
Bar in (B) = 30 μm.